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Topographical Surveys

Land surveys across London, The UK & internationally.

Our service delivers swift topographical surveys and CAD drawings, enabling architects and engineers to get moving with their projects.

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Full TSA Member

THS Concepts are an accredited member of The Survey Association body.

UK Wide Service

We operate nationwide across the United Kingdom.

Years Of Experience

THS Concepts was formed over 10 years ago in 2013.

Fully Insured

£1 million in liability cover, employers' and public liability insurance.

Excellent Service

We take great pride in our exceptional 5-star ratings on both Google and Trustpilot

Get To Know Our Topographical Survey Service

Seeking to commence your construction project on the right footing? An intricately detailed topographical CAD drawing can be the cornerstone for a successful start.

Introducing THS Concepts: With a portfolio spanning over 2,000 projects, we’ve become the trusted partner for architects, engineers, and construction professionals in need of well-organised, user-friendly land surveys and CAD drawings.

Our extensive range of services encompasses measured building surveys, 3D laser scanning, drone surveys, and more. Count on our expert team to pay meticulous attention to every facet of your site, ensuring your project sets off on the best possible course.

Who Do We Work With?

Our topographical surveys and subsequent CAD drawings cater to a diverse clientele, spanning projects both modest and grand in scale. We are typically commissioned by:

Over the years, our expertise has been applied to an eclectic mix of projects, ranging from solar farms to quaint plots of land in domestic gardens!

Topographical survey on a beach
Topographical survey on a beach in Jersey.

How Do We Survey Your Land?

THS Concepts utilises cutting-edge RTK GPS and total station equipment to conduct comprehensive topographical land surveys with unparalleled accuracy.

Before embarking on any survey, we initiate an in-depth consultation with our clients to understand their specific project needs. Given that each project often demands different levels of detail in various areas, our methodology is customised to address these individual requirements.

Our topographical survey service is engineered to capture a wide array of site elements, depending on your unique needs. These elements typically include walls, spot heights, trees, fence lines, and more.

For projects that require a more intricate level of detail, our survey can be expanded to include additional features, such as drainage systems, utility lines, and other site-specific elements.

If you’re uncertain about what to include in your survey, RICS provides an exhaustive document titled ‘Measured Surveys of Land, Buildings and Utilities’ that can offer further guidance.

What Is Included Your Land Survey?

On-Site Survey

Our expert site survey team will attend your property to conduct a thorough land survey, meticulously gathering all the vital measurements needed for your CAD drawings.

You have the option to supply us with your specific requirements, or you can rely on our extensive experience, honed from successfully completing numerous topographical survey projects over the years, to recommend the most suitable approach for your needs.

CAD Drawings & PDF's

We employ Autodesk’s industry-leading AutoCAD software to meticulously craft your site plans, sections, elevations, and more.

Over the years, we’ve refined our drawing package to optimise efficiency, allowing our clients to effortlessly integrate, manipulate, and expedite their design projects.

Key Features of Our Drawings:

  • Utilising layers, we meticulously organise the drawing, incorporating useful colour coding, line types, and line weights for ease of use.
  • We avoid overloading the drawings with superfluous details, rendering them more straightforward and easier to interpret.
  • Your survey and CAD drawings will be precisely aligned to Ordnance Survey grids. Additionally, we can incorporate extra mapping details into your drawings that fall outside our initial survey area, like local block plans.
  • Each drawing is subject to stringent quality checks prior to dispatch, eliminating any elements that could cause confusion.
  • We supply scaled PDF copies, making it convenient for printing and markup for those who may not have access to AutoCAD.

Survey Control Network

Utilising GPS RTK equipment, we align the topographical survey to the UK Ordnance Survey grid in both height and position. This allows the data to be aligned with other surveys or data provided by other mapping providers.

For elevation, we use OSTN15 and for position, we use OSGB36.

We leave fixed survey control stations on your site. These are usually in the form of nails driven into the ground or reflective targets left on buildings. Leaving these control stations here ensures future jobs such as setting out are undertaken with a high degree of accuracy.

Photographs From Site

During our visit to your property, we capture a series of photographs to assist us in the CAD drawing process. These images not only facilitate our work but can also be invaluable to you.

We offer to share this photo folder with you, which could serve multiple purposes. It can be a useful resource for future reference or even act as a compelling before-and-after record of your property.

For tips on how to effectively use photographs in your design projects, you may refer to this ArchDaily article.

Topographical Survey Drawing Examples

Below you can find examples of previous topographical surveys we have produced for Architects, Engineers and Designers.

Liverpool High School Topographical Survey

Topographical Survey Pricing & Quotes

Typical Costs

Every plot of land comes with its own specific challenges, so a standard pricing model for topographical surveys just won’t do.

To tackle this, we’ve put together an in-depth guide that breaks down the usual costs involved in topographical surveys, providing valuable tips on how to make the most of your budget.

How To Get a Quote

Getting a quote is straightforward. Simply contact us and provide your address along with the specific drawings you need.

We’ll promptly respond with a complimentary, no-obligation quote within one working day.

Payment Terms

We offer very generous payment terms and only invoice once the drawing and on-site work has been completed.

We send you a PDF proof of our work and then ask for the invoice to be paid prior to releasing the CAD files.

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of a topographical survey can vary significantly depending on a number of factors, including the size of the area being surveyed, the level of detail required, the accessibility of the site, and the local market conditions.

In general, the cost of a topographical survey tends to be higher for larger sites, as more time and resources will be required to survey the entire area. The level of detail required for the survey can also affect the cost, as more detailed surveys will typically require more time and resources.

The accessibility of the site can also impact the cost of a topographical survey. Sites that are difficult to access, such as those that are located in remote or rugged areas, may require additional time and resources to survey, which can increase the overall cost.

Finally, local market conditions, such as the availability of surveyors and the level of demand for their services, can also impact the cost of a topographical survey.

It is difficult to provide a specific cost for a topographical survey without more information about the site and the level of detail required. However, as a rough estimate, the cost of a topographical survey can range from several hundred pounds for a small site with basic survey requirements, to several thousand pounds or more for a larger site with more detailed survey requirements.

Please visit our blog page on how much a topographical survey costs.

The amount of time required to complete a topographical survey can vary significantly depending on the size of the area being surveyed, the level of detail required and the accessibility of the site.

In general, smaller sites with fewer features will require less time to survey than larger sites with more complex features. The level of detail required for the survey can also impact the time required, as more detailed surveys will typically take longer to complete.

The accessibility of the site can also affect the time required to complete a topographical survey. Sites that are difficult to access, such as those that are located in remote or rugged areas, may require additional time to survey due to the added logistical challenges.

It is difficult to provide a specific time frame for a topographical survey without more information about the site and the level of detail required. However, as a rough estimate, a topographical survey for a small site with basic survey requirements may take a day or two to complete, while a larger site with more detailed survey requirements may take several days / weeks or more to survey.


Topographical surveys are typically undertaken using a combination of surveying instruments, including total stations, GPS receivers, levels, and hand-held laser scanners. These instruments are used to collect precise measurements and data about the features on the ground, such as the elevations, positions, and shapes of natural and man-made features.

There are several steps involved in the process of undertaking a topographical survey:

  1. Planning: The first step is to create a survey plan that outlines the scope of the survey and the level of detail required. This plan should include a list of the features that need to be surveyed, as well as any constraints or limitations that may impact the survey process.

  2. Measurement: The next step is to take precise measurements of the features on the ground using the appropriate surveying instruments. This may involve taking elevations, positions, and other measurements of the features, as well as collecting data about the shapes and sizes of these features.

  3. Data processing: Once the measurements have been collected, they must be processed to create a usable topographical survey. This typically involves aligning and merging multiple measurements, and cleaning up the data to remove any errors or inaccuracies.

  4. Mapping: The processed data can then be used to create a topographical map of the survey area, which shows the position and elevation of the features on the ground. This map may be created using specialized software or by hand using traditional cartographic techniques.

  5. Documentation: Finally, it is important to document the results of the topographical survey, including any measurements and calculations that were used, as well as any deviations from the survey plan that were discovered during the survey process.

Overall, the process of undertaking a topographical survey requires a combination of specialized equipment, software, and expertise to ensure that the resulting map is accurate and useful.

Topographical land surveys are used to create detailed maps of the natural and man-made features of a piece of land, including the elevations, positions, and shapes of these features. These maps are typically used for a wide range of projects, including:

  1. Land development: Topographical surveys are often used to assess the suitability of a piece of land for development, such as for building construction or landscaping projects. The survey can provide detailed information about the topography, geology, and vegetation of the land, as well as any man-made features that may impact the development.

  2. Infrastructure projects: Topographical surveys are also used to support the planning and design of infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, and utilities. The survey can provide detailed information about the land and its features, which can be used to determine the most appropriate route for the infrastructure and to design it to minimize any impacts on the environment.

  3. Environmental studies: Topographical surveys can be used to study the natural features of a piece of land, such as the vegetation, soil, and water resources. This can be helpful for environmental assessments, land management, and conservation efforts.

  4. Military and security: Topographical surveys can be used to create detailed maps of military training areas, bases, and other security-sensitive locations. These maps can be used to plan and execute military operations and to ensure the security of these locations.

  5. Recreational activities: Topographical surveys can be used to create maps of outdoor recreational areas, such as hiking trails, parks, and ski slopes. These maps can be used to plan and promote recreational activities in these areas.

Overall, topographical land surveys are useful for a wide range of projects that require detailed information about the natural and man-made features of a piece of land.

There are several benefits to having a topographical survey, including:

  1. Accurate planning: A topographical survey provides detailed and accurate information about the natural and man-made features of a piece of land, which can be used to plan and design projects more effectively. This can help to reduce the risk of errors or unexpected complications during the project.

  2. Reduced costs: A topographical survey can help to identify potential issues or challenges early in the planning process, which can help to avoid costly changes or delays during the project.

  3. Improved efficiency: By providing detailed and accurate information about the land and its features, a topographical survey can help to streamline the planning and design process, which can save time and resources.

  4. Enhanced safety: A topographical survey can help to identify potential hazards or safety issues on the land, such as steep slopes, unstable ground, or underground utilities. This can help to ensure that the project is completed safely and without incident.

  5. Better decision-making: A topographical survey can provide valuable insights and data that can be used to inform decision-making during the planning and design process. This can help to ensure that the best decisions are made for the project.

Overall, a topographical survey can provide a wide range of benefits by providing detailed and accurate information about the land and its features, which can be used to inform the planning and design of projects.

Topographical Survey Guides

Topographical Survey Case Studies

Other Services That May Be Useful

Measured Surveys

Utilising 3D laser scanners and total stations, we accurately survey and produce a range of drawings for your buildings and structures. These include floor plans, sections, points clouds, elevations and more.

Utility Scanning

Working alongside our topographical surveys, we undertake underground utility scanning to help work out what is under the ground on your project.

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